Professional awareness about the impact of internet pornography is not just for teachers or healthcare professionals;關於互聯網色情影響的專業意識不僅限於教師或醫療專業人員。 lawyers need to be aware of it too.律師也需要意識到這一點。 A very good free, daily e-newsletter for the legal profession in Scotland is the蘇格蘭法律界非常好的免費的每日電子通訊是 蘇格蘭法律新聞。 It covers all the latest developments in the profession from court decisions, to news from law firms, legal institutions such as The Law Society of Scotland, the Faculty of Advocates and academia.它涵蓋了該行業的所有最新發展,從法院判決到律師事務所,諸如蘇格蘭法律協會,律師協會和學術界等法律機構的新聞。 It also highlights events and includes big stories from the UK and Scottish Parliaments, and from the English and Irish courts too.它還突出了事件,並包括英國和蘇格蘭議會以及英國和愛爾蘭法院的重大新聞。

Every year they publish an annual review with stories from a wide variety of legal personalities.每年,他們都會發布年度評論,其中包含來自各種法律人物的故事。 This year Mary Sharpe was invited to submit an article.今年,瑪麗·夏普(Mary Sharpe)被邀請提交一篇文章。 She explains her transition from practicing law as an Advocate to founding The Reward Foundation.她解釋了從律師執業到建立獎勵基金會的轉變。 Mary focused on what lawyers need to know about internet pornography as the basis for her story.瑪麗著重於律師需要了解的有關互聯網色情的知識,以此作為她講述故事的基礎。 The original article is no longer available online.原始文章不再在線可用。

蘇格蘭法律新聞的其他故事包括 戀童癖獵人失敗。 They also reported on the position of the head of the Crown Prosecution Service in England on issues of他們還報告了英國皇家檢察署負責人在以下問題上的職位: 強姦同意.